74ls04 Pinout

74ls04 pinout
74LS04 is Hex Inverter NOT gate IC. It consists of six inverters which perform logical invert action. output of an inverter is complement of its input logic state i.e. when input is high its output is low and vice versa. device contains six independent gates each of which performs logic INVERT function.
What logic gate is in a 74LS04 IC?
74LS04 - Hex Inverter (NOT Gate) IC The 74LS04 is a Hex Inverter (NOT gate) IC, i.e. it has six NOT gates inside it and each gate has one input and one output pin.
What is the function of pin 7 in 74LS04 TTL IC?
3A | Pin 5 | Pin 5 will be used as the input for the third inverter. |
3Y | Pin 6 | Pin 6 will give the output of the third inverter. |
GND | Pin 7 | Pin 7 will be used as a common ground pin when IC will be used with other IC. |
4Y | Pin 8 | Pin 8 will give the output of the fourth inverter. |
How many inputs are in a 74LS04 IC?
Logic IC, Inverter, Hex, 1 Inputs, 14 Pins, DIP, 74LS04.
What is the difference between IC 74LS04 and IC 74HC04?
III 74LS04 VS. 74HC04 is a hex inverter of CMOS circuit, and the working voltage is 2V-6V. Both 74LS04 and 74HC04 are inverters, but LS stands for low-power Schottky and HC is high-speed COMS. LS is slightly faster than HC. LS adopts TTL level.
How many inverters is 74LS04?
The device contains six independent inverters with standard push-pull outputs which perform the Boolean function Y = ážš in positive logic.
What is a 74LS04 TTL hex inverter IC?
74LS04 Hex Inverter is a member of the 74XXYY IC series. The 74-series are digital logic integrated circuits, It includes six independent inverse HEX gates. Each gate consists of an input and an output. The reverse phase is one of its main functions.
What is the logic function of a TTL 74LS04?
74LS04 contains six independent gates each of which performs the logic INVERT function. The output signals of the six inverters are opposite to the input signals. The inverter can reverse the phase of the input signal by 180 degrees.
What gate is 74LS00?
74LS00 IC has four NAND gates. Also each gate has two inputs.
What are the 7th and 14th pin in all the gates?
14th pin is the Vcc and the 7th pin is the Ground. The outputs directly interface to CMOS, NMOS and TTL.
Why does IC start with 74?
Two digits, where "74" denotes a commercial temperature range device and "54" denotes a military temperature range. Historically, "64" denoted a short-lived series with an intermediate "industrial" temperature range.
What is the function of pin 12 in IC 74ls11?
Pin No | Pin Name | Description |
12 | Y1 | OUTPUT of GATE 1 |
13 | C1 | INPUT 3 of GATE 1 |
14 | VCC | Supply Voltage |
What does 74LS mean?
The 74LS (Low-power Schottky) family (like the original) uses TTL (Transistor-Transistor Logic) circuitry which is fast but requires more power than later families. The 74 series is often still called the 'TTL series' even though the latest ICs do not use TTL!
How many inputs can A and Gate have?
Most logic gates have two inputs and one output. Logic gates are based on Boolean algebra.
Which IC is a triple three input AND gate?
This triple 3-input positive-AND gate is designed for 2-V to 5.5-V VCC operation. The SN74LV11A performs the Boolean function Y + A • B • C or Y + A ) B ) C in positive logic.
What is LM358 IC used for?
LM358 can be used as transducer amplifier, DC gain block etc. It has large dc voltage gain of 100dB. This IC can be operated on wide range of power supply from 3V to 32V for single power supply or from ±1.5V to ±16V for dual power supply and it also support large output voltage swing.
What is LS and HC in IC?
HC stands for high speed CMOS, LS stands for low power schottky, a bipolar technology. In CMOS vs bipolar (TTL) there are threshold differences that were incompatible. Both were from a speed generation that could get you at least 20–30 MHz switching, maybe more.
Why IC name is 741?
The number 741 indicates that this operational amplifier IC has 7 functional pins, 4 pins capable of taking input and 1 output pin.
What are the 3 types of inverters?
There are 3 major types of inverters - sine wave (sometimes referred to as a "true" or "pure" sine wave), modified sine wave (actually a modified square wave), and square wave.
Is 24V or 48V inverter better?
If your energy needs are around 1,000 to 5,000 watts, go for a 24 volt system. If your energy needs are over 3,000 watts, go for a 48 volt system. Large off-grid houses often use 48V.
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